Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This is why...

...I can't imagine living anywhere besides New England.  The leaves are past peak, many have fallen to the ground, yet I am still in awe of the beauty I see on a gorgeous fall day like today. My photography "skills" don't do it justice.

The sun shines through the trees and lights up the yellow leaves.

This is the extent of my Halloween decorating to date.  Well, except for the window clings the boys put up. I carved the one pumpkin at a party recently. We'll do the others closer to the big day.

Plenty of fallen leaves just waiting to be raked up made into a pile and jumped in.

The view down our street, with some vibrant color still peaking through.

Maple leaves still hanging on, blowing in the wind.

A touch of color amid the green grass and mostly brown leaves.

Obligatory picture of cute kid.  This IS a Mommy blog, after all!

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